Membuat Chat Dengan Php

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ADD CONSTRAINT ` chatibfk1 ` FOREIGN KEY ( ` sendby ` ) REFERENCES ` users ` ( ` id ` );Struktur dari database cichat akan terlihat seperti gambar dibawah ini:Di dalam table tersebut terdapat 2 table yaitu: chat dan users. Dimana pada table chat memiliki primary key dengan field chatid, sedangkan pada table chat memiliki primary key pada field id. Kedua table tersebut saling terintegrasi yang didefiniskan melalui foreign key dengan field sendby pada table chat.2. Langkah selanjutnya adalah membuat controller dengan nama Welcome.php. Controller ini berisi untuk membuat halaman login dan logout. Kemudian tambahkan potongan program berikut.

  1. Live Chat In Php Source Code
  2. Php Live Chat Pro Purchase Code
  3. Chat Application In Php And Mysql

Untuk bisa masuk ke halaman chatting online, Anda bisa memasukan username dan password sesuai dengan demo diatas. Jika berhasil, maka akan muncul halaman dashboard chat seperti ini:Pilih teman untuk diajak chatting dengan meng-klik nama teman Anda, kemudian akan muncul kotak dialog untuk memulai percakapan seperti gambar dibawah ini:Nah, itu tadi pembuatan fitur chat online menggunakan framework Codeigniter.

Mar 27, 2017  Chatting adalah suatu feature atau suatu program di Internet untuk berkomunikasi langsung sesama pengguna internet yang sedang online / yang sedang sama-sama menggunakan Internet. Komunikasi ini dapat berupa teks (text chat) ataupun suara (voice chat). Pada postingan kali ini kita akan belajar bagaimana membuat fitur chat pada proyek codeigniter menggunakan platform livechat.


Pembuatan aplikasi ini sangat sederhana karena tidak menggunakan model serta maksimal pesan yang bisa dikirim hanya sampai 10 kali saja.Penulis juga akan membagikan source code dan live demo program diakhir artikel ini. Jika pembaca mempunyai ketertarikan dalam pembuatan website atau apapun, bisa tinggalkan pesan di kolom komentar.

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Live Chat In Php Source Code

Live chat scripts made in php using MySql as database with ajax. These live chat scripts are the web applications for live chat or video chat with another active user. Here we provide you some popular live chat scripts in php these will help you chat with other user. PHP Live Support ChatLive Support Chat. PHP & MySQL based and Works with any website – static, PHP, WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, OpenCart (any website with PHP & MySQL back-end). This has features like: Easy installation, Compatible even with IE8!, Works with any PHP 5 & MySQL website, Contact form fallback, Mobile support (responsive guest widget), Desktop Notifications, Multiple operators and guests chatting.2. PHP Live Chat ProLive Chat Pro is a userfriendly easy to install php chat script that includes lot of uniques features.

With is fully responsive design whatever if you are using a mobile a computer or even a tablet This will always fit your screen and give you the best chat experience possible.3. Support Chat – PHP Live ChatSupport Chat is the easiest real-time live support chat application ever for your website. It does not require any installation, offers an automatic contact form fallback when admin is offline, is super easy to use and works seamlessly with every type of website and on all devices.4. Video ChatVideo Chat is a web application developed on PHP, MySQL, jQuery using OpenTok API. Today they provide API access to build face-to-face video chat room. In addition, you will be able to send text messages during video conference. This is useful function if you want to share links, mails with your communication partner.5.

Magnoliyan Video Chat PROThis is nothing like yet another wordpress slider plugin which you can upload over FTP and activate. This tool requires more technical skills and better hosting than average shared hosting used for wordpress sites. Please do not purchase until you are sure you can meet all mentioned requirements and limitations.6. Ultimate Support Chat – PHP Live ChatIn this script force preset feature added, facilitating different widget designs for different websites connected to the app, and even on the same website (e.g. A website page where you want the widget to look different or open in a different method such as pop up, slide up, or slide from the side to optimize the design or fit the content better).7. Facebook Live Chat for PHPFacebook Live Chat is a PHP plugin allow put your facebook live chat box on your website, visitors can chat with you via Facebook Message.

This is easy way to support and keep contact with your customers.8. Skype Live Chat For PHPSKype Live Chat is a script php allow put your Skype live chat box on your website, visitors can chat with you via it or APP, Website. This is easy way to support and keep contact with your customers.9. Boomchat – Responsive PHP/AJAX ChatBoomchat is a userfriendly easy to install php chat script that includes lot of uniques features. With is fully responsive design whatever if you are using a mobile a computer or even a tablet boomchat will always fit your screen and give you the best chat experience possible.10. Smooth Ajax ChatSmooth Ajax Chat is an advanced private chat system ( inspired from Facebook chat ) which users are already familiar with, it can handle unlimited simultaneous conversation with a smart scroll system, while keeping the best balance between user experience,security and performance (so your host won’t be exhausted ).11.

Simple Chat ScriptSimple Chat is a simple lightweight chat script that can be integrated into any PHP page. It includes an admin control for deleting posts etc, uses a custom style sheet which can be completely customized to suit the style of your site. It also uses a text file to store the information so you don’t have to set-up a MySQL database.12. Live Chat – PHP AJAX Real Time Chat SystemLive Chat is a CodeIgniter application that can be included on most website setups to enable a real time chat application between your users and your operators. It comes with a plethora of features and we are constantly updating our products so we will make sure to keep it up to date and working.

If you have any problems with installation or bugs, we are happy to help you out.13. ReadyChat – PHP/AJAX Chat RoomreadyChat is a chat product from DesignSkate.

Greatly improving upon our previous product “moChat”. ReadyChat is more optimized, smoother and enjoyable for both the administrator and the user.14. Quack Chat Live Support SystemQuack Chat is a web based live support system that allows you to chat with your customers via web or mobile. The AJAX style chat script installs easily on any supported website with an easy to use installer.15.

ChatMembuat Chat Dengan Php

PHP Chat with Web – & Windows Clients – VisitorChatThe ClientEngage Visitor Chat is a fully-featured real-time chat for your websites. A clear and simple web-based administration allows you to conveniently chat with your visitors. And best of all: Visitor Chat comes with a Windows-based client out-of-the-box. Without having to visit the Visitor Chat’s admin-interface you will be notified from your Windows tray and can start chatting straight away.16. Wchat – Fully Responsive PHP AJAX Chat ScriptWchat is a popular responsive php ajax inbox messaging (Chat) WebApp for websites, mobile apps and control panels. It is a responsive chating app that is Built with PHP/MySQLI-PDO and design with CSS framework Bootstrap 3.3.6 It utilizes all of the Bootstrap components in its design and re-styles many commonly used plugins to create a consistent design that can be used as a user interface for web and mobile applications.17. Boom embed for Boomchat PHP/AJAX chatBoom embed addons allow you to show your actual boomchat in any website.

It offer you 2 way to do it the corner chat or you can embed it directly to your html structure. Boom embed require a 2 simple step installation and is coming with a embed code generator module that allow you to create embed code within seconds.18.

Php Live Chat Pro Purchase Code

ShoutboxThis is an easy to integrate shoutbox that you can use also as chat. The installation is really easily: You have just to upload one file, follow the introductions and that’s it!

Chat Application In Php And Mysql

With just 47KB, PHP7 OOP and jQuery powered it also very fast and looks also good.

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