What Are Set Processing And Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft

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What Are Set Processing And Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft
  1. What Are Set Processing And Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft Employee
  2. What Are Set Processing And Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft Access

To implement parallel processing, you need to complete a set of tasks in the order that they appear in the following list. Define your temporary tables with a Type of Temporary Table. Streaming is the term that PeopleSoft uses to describe the act of breaking the set of employees for whom Payroll is to be calculated into a number of subsets and processing each subset in a separately. Each of these processes can then be run in parallel. The ‘streaming’ facility is a part of the GP product delivered by PeopleSoft.

You might have seen some batch jobs which updates/createsmillions of data taking much time to finish the job. It is taking time due tothe amount of data that needs to be processed (apart from the bad design/sqls).Parallel processing is a method by which we could finish the job in a matter ofminutes.

What Are Set Processing And Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft Employee

It is a process by which we divide the data into smaller logical setsand running the job for each set at the same time. Peoplesoft support theparallel processing in application engines by means of temporary tables andinbuilt mechanism to launch multiple instances.

If I run the update process for all the employees withoutparallel processing, the job has to update all the employees’ record and say itfinishes in 10 minutes. What if I divide my employees based on BU and run eachinstance of the same program simultaneously?


What Are Set Processing And Parallel Processing In Peoplesoft Access

Each individual process will take2 minutes and since all the process is run at the same time, the entire recordwill be finished at the same time. So I reduced my processing time from 10minutes to 2 minutes (in real scenario, it may take time more than 2 minutesbut still it will be better than the initial 10 minutes time).

The followingdiagram illustrates running of process in parallel. Hello Sir, Nice article. Hi Maverick,Yes, to utilize the parallel processing feature delivered by PeopleSoft, you have to run different instances of the same program by providing different runcontrol id's. You can schedule the five instances in any scheduler like Tidal, Process Scheduler etc. This is how it is implemented in most of the organizations.However if you are adamant that you need only one process to be scheduled, then you can create a wrapper process which will in turn create different run control id's and schedule the desired process.

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