Endless Space 2 Overpopulation

Endless Space 2 Overpopulation Rating: 9,2/10 187 reviews

Aug 30, 2017 - So, I had the game for awhile and just started really playing maybe a week ago. The problem right now that I have in game is population. Colonization, migration and evacuation. Sunny i love you lyrics. Migration and evacuation in Endless Space 2 Endless. Increase the Approval in a system by avoiding overpopulation. Units of Population increase the FIDSI production of Planets. Different population types generate different resources, such as FIDSI, Approval, and Manpower. Systems use Food to grow a new population, the type being determined by the Empire and the ratio of population types already present in.

Endless Space 2 Overpopulation Movie

Endless Space 2 Overpopulation

Achieving a Religious government with Sophons is a particular challenge. You'll almost certainly need to switch to a Dictatorship, then wait for the Religious party to gain enough experience to use S&S. You can speed that up by constantly switching government types, which will invoke extra elections (and more chances to gain experience).You'll need enough Influence to pay the law's upkeep, which will be harder without any Influence bonuses from Approval.Probably not an ideal strategy, unless you're chasing an expansion victory. Might be better to chase Pacifist Laws.

Endless Space 2 Population Control

There's a few Approval boosts for friendly factions. First - don't conquer systems you do not need. If it doesn't have strategic resources and there's less than 4 planets chances are you don't really need that system. If you're going for supremacy just capture capital systems.Second - it's not that hard to keep general happiness high even with overextension. You have luxuries for higher happiness, you have laws, you have buildings.Third - by late game you can research a building that raises your overextension cap on any Level 4 system. It mostly costs Influence.

The best way to deal with it is to create custom faction. Is the one I've made recently to just play enjoying massive blobbing.The trick is in religious party being in power - Saint and Sinners act (level 3 or 4 law from religious group) effectively removes any worry about approval you might have. Even better - if you are republic it will set approval to happy giving you those sweet bonuses EVERYWHERE no matter how hard you blob.Additionally I chose Vodyani as a base race because they start with religious hero and have pretty nice racial perks.To do it as Sophons you will have to change government first as you can't influence elections in democracy AFAIR.

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