Left 4 Dead 2 Tipps

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Left 4 Dead 2 Tipps
  1. Left 4 Dead 2 Infected
  2. Left 4 Dead 2 Tips Val
  3. Left 4 Dead Free Demo

Left 4 Dead 2 Infected

Left 4 Dead 2 Tipps

Left 4 Dead 2 is a single-player and multiplayer co-operative survival horror FPS game.

Left 4 Dead 2 Tips Val

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Left 4 Dead Free Demo

Buddha: Get damaged but never diegive item name: Give any itemgod: God Modeimpulse 10: All weapons and ammonbblind 1: Infected can't see younoclip: Walk through wallssvinfiniteammo 1: Infinite ammo without reloadswarpallsurvivorshere: Teleport all survivors to your positionwarpallsurvivorstocheckpoint: Teleport all survivors to the nearestcheckpointwarpallsurvivorstofinale: Teleport all survivors to the finalewarptostartarea - Teleport yourself to next chapter. On the level the passing part 2, run into the bar and walk into the room with the pool table. Look to your left and you will see; 'otis, ran out of film, zombies too fast, not going to make it -Frank West (Dead Rising)' and if you look to your right you will see; 'Need an M60? Come see me - Crazy Dave ( Plants VS Zombies)'look right ahead and ' REPENT THE END IS F NIGH!, End of the world or not there are rules (28 days later) and there are many more easter eggs in that room like; 'Ed is the King Of Zombies' ( Shaun of the dead).

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