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You are reading theolder HTML sitePositive Feedback ISSUE 64november/december 2012Why SACDs Didn'tSupersede CDs. And the Move to DSD Downloadsby TeresaGoodwinThese are mytheories on the erroneous directions taken by theSACD format and what the future holds. SACD washistorically positioned to replace the sonicallychallenged CD format with one closer to what wasactually on master recordings. The fact that SACDdidn't replace CD proves that poor ineffectualmarketing, inadequate publicity, bone-headed ideasare stronger than a real advance in sonic quality.The newbattleground: SACD vs DVD-Audio vs CD vs LP andmusic downloadsI. The SACD/DVD-AudiowarThe first stereoSACD player, the Sony SCD-1 was premiered in 1999beating the competing DVD-Audio format by a year. Matsushita (Panasonic and Technics) released thefirst DVD-Audio multichannel player in July 2000even though the DVD-Audio specification was onlytruly finalized in 2001 because they were afraidthey were giving up too much of the potential futuremarket to SACD which at the time was Stereo only.
The first multichannel SACD player was the PhilipsSACD-1000. So while stereo SACD was released a yearbefore multichannel DVD-Audio, multichannel SACD wasreleased a year after DVD-Audio. Thus SACD captureda lot of early converts and DVD-Audio captured (atfirst) those interested in multichannel.For the first yearof SACD's and DVD-Audio's coexistence theSACD/DVD-Audio war was stereo versus multichannelaccompanied by many heated debates in internetforums.The world's firstuniversal (SACD/DVD-Audio/CD) player, the PioneerDV-AX10, came out in 2002 and others followed;however, it was not soon enough to save the almostdead DVD-Audio format. SACD has become a nicheformat for classical music, audiophile reissues ofolder analog recordings, and super expensive SACDs.
DVD-Audio releases have dwindled down to just a feweach year; however, the nice thing is that even thenewest Blu-ray universal players play both SACD andDVD-Audio. I've often wondered if Universal playershad come out first, if the war would have beenaverted and both formats would have complimentedeach other, and together, replaced CD.II. CD backlashWhen CD premiered in1983 the majority of listeners were thrilled withCDs ease of play, lack of noise, distortion, andaudible wear. However, audiophiles complained ofCD's strident, over-etched and uncomfortable soundquality; especially compared to LPs, reel to reeltapes, and live music.
Thus CD equipmentmanufactures begun to steadily improve theirproducts to satisfy these critical listeners. However, upon hearing what was possible with SACD andDVD-Audio, CD equipment manufacturers engaged in amad race to try to make their products sound asclose as they could to the realistic and comfortingsonics of these new digital formats. And all with varyingdegrees of success. This prevented even more peoplefrom adopting SACD and/or DVD-audio as CDs werefinally getting good enough (and that theselection of music in the CD format is usually lessexpensive and more abundant when comparedto SACD or DVD-Audio).Better sounding CDplayers, and better engineered uncompressed CDs—which were not aimed at the masses—also becameavailable.
The CDs aimed at the masses usually havecompression to make them sound louder on lower leveldevices and they soon learned that the louder theymade them the more they sold; the compressionis so severe that many modern CDs have gross digitaloverload distortion. The reason I mention this isaudiophiles also enjoy modern music made for themasses, thus the demand by them for uncompressedversions.So that means theconverts from CDs are those who, even after all thesound improvements of the CD format, still preferanalog sound but want the convenience of alaser-read format of which the high resolutiondigital formats often deliver. This also includes thelisteners who currently own surround sound systemsor prefer surround sound and want to add thatcapability when they can afford it.III. The LP revivalMany of the earlyadopters from SACDs stereo-only era (1999-2001) werediehard stereo-only listeners and chose to go backto LPs when the US, UK, and European major labelsquit releasing SACDs.
They are a big part of thecurrent audiophile LP renaissance. Or course thereare many music lovers who own both SACDs and LPs: SACDs for classical music and LPs for everythingelse.See my article'How to get the best from 2 Channel Stereo SACD and50 recommended recordings' if, like me, you aredevoted stereo listener.IV. Absolutely freeMP3s evolved into downloads for saleIllegal downloadingbegan with Napster which was started by a highschool dropout named Shawn Fanning in the summer of1999; the open-source software was originallyintended as a clandestine experiment among 30 or soof his friends, but word of mouth proved strongerthan secrecy, and by the end of its first week,Napster had been downloaded by as many as 15,000users. Starting in 2000, the Recording IndustryAssociation of America (RIAA) spearheaded a seriesof lawsuits aimed at shutting down Napster. Theirlegal ground seemed unshakeable, their argumentunquestionable: facilitating the free trade of'illicit' music files amounted to a violation ofcopyright law. In fact, at Napster's peak inFebruary 2001, it amounted to over 2.79 billionviolations, the approximate number of files tradedduring that month.The iTunes Storeopened in 2003 offering legal music downloads forsale. However it wasn't until 2005 that musicdownloads started to be identified as a suitablemethod of buying and collecting music.
The iTunesstore has been the most popular music vendor in theUnited States since April 2008 selling the Apply lossy format AAC which is lossy compressed much thesame is MP3. In other words this is lower soundquality than even regular CDs.V. Losslessdownloads for saleHD Tracks I believe,was the first website to offer lossless downloads.They use the FLAC format which is losslesslycompressed much like the lossless compression usedon SACD and DVD-Audio. Lossless compression is bitfor bit accurate, it is uncompressed on playback andat any time can be converted back to a larger sizeduncompressed format and be identical to theoriginal.
Descargar Cds Universal Stereo Player
Lossless compression is used for fasterdownloads and to conserve computer space.Several years agoHDTracks started offering high resolution 24-bit PCMmusic downloads, with sampling frequencies up to192kHz. Soon many more websites followed, this waseven more competition for the already struggling SACD and DVD-Audio formats.VI. DSD downloads atboth 2.8224 MHz and 5.6448 MHzIt will be DSDdownloads that I think in about five years will killthe SACD format.
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It is expensive to presshybrid SACDs, downloads have no physical inventorythus less risk to financial risk to release a DSDversion and more and more people are moving tocomputer playback for most of their music listening.Secondly, I believethat double-speed DSD (5.6448 MHz) will be used formany new recordings and for mastering older analoguerecordings because it moves the ultrasonic noisefurther away from the audible range. DSD's one bitsystem is inherently noisy so DSD pushes the noiseaway from the audible band into the ultrasonicrange, there are people who are concerned that theultrasonic noise affects the audible band anddouble-speed DSD would make the format moreappealing to them.
I have never heard noise from apure DSD recording released on a 2.8224 MHz SACD,such as those from Telarc even with headphones,however that doesn't mean that double-speed DSDwon't be an improvement over standard DSD, we willhave to wait and see.DSD downloads arebecoming more plentiful and more and more DACs arecoming out that will play DSD without conversion tohigh resolution PCM. See 'From an Editor'sNotebook: An Update on PFO's DSD DAC and DSDDownload List by Dr.
Free legal andIllegal high resolution downloadsMany sites offerfree legal downloads, these are usually single songsor single movements in the case of classical worksfor you to sample the album and if you like it topurchase the full album download. Many of the sitesin David Robinson's article listed above offer thesetypes of free downloads.Sad thing is, Illegal,free downloads are a problem in high resolution too.Illegal downloads have not went away, even after allthese court cases.
My advice: When searching for ahigh resolution download, if what is being offeredis an entire album for free, then it likely isillegal, as artists usually won't give away an entirealbum for free. Also avoid BitTorrents and othertwo-way peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharingcommunications protocols as they can make one'scomputer venerable to attack. Traditional one-waydownloads can still have Trojan's; includingdangerous spyware and malware, so before downloading(either pay or free) from any website, check it out first bydoing a Google search with the website's name andthe word 'review'. Look for traditional reviews ofall aspects of the site, and look for ratings fromall the famous anti-virus and internet securitysoftware makers before downloading anything. Alsoif your web browser gives you a warning message thata site may harm your computer, choose the optionhighlighted 'Close Page' which will return you tothe previous page.
Never choose 'Ignore Warning'.Nodownload is worth risking the health of yourcomputer. To be extra safe, I close the browser andrestart my computer.Illegal free downloads are hurting all physicalformats as well as 'for pay' downloads and if stepsare not taken to shut these sites down there maycome at time when they are no new recordings. As theartists had to find another way to make a living.SACD history of theformatThis is a briefhistory of the SACD format from its beginnings in1999 to today. SACD began life as a high resolutiontwo-channel stereo format in order to firmlyestablish itself as a high resolution format beforeintroducing multi-channel two years later. In thebeginning, SACD was for those of us who loved two-channel analog stereo, disliked the sound of CDs butwanted the convenience of CD with the warmth ofanalog.From Sony's firstbrochure: Super Audio Compact Disc, Eliciting thefull Performance of Music.' Super Audio CompactDisc is the realization of an audiophile's dreamcome true: all the precision of digital reproductioncombined with all the warmth and ambiance of analogsound.
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The secret is Direct Stream Digital™encoding. It's one bit, 2.8224 MHz (64 fs) samplingproduces nothing less than a quantum leap in musicresolution.' I believe the wholeidea of the invention of the SACD format was due toSony's awareness of listeners wanting the warm soundof analog they gave up when they adopted CD forconvenience. And to acquire the last holdouts whowere clinging onto their LPs for sonic bliss. Ithink Sony underestimated the number of people whoactually liked the sound of CDs and of course asnoted above, Sony didn't anticipate the upcomingdownload revolution.Between 1999 and2001 some of the finest sounding stereo audiophilerecordings of all time came out on Telarc,AudioQuest, Chesky, Channel Classics, Delos DMP,FIM, Groove Note, Opus 3, Red Rose Music and otheraudiophile labels.